Reducing Systemic Cybersecurity Risk

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Reducing Systemic Cybersecurity Risk


This report is part of a broader OECD study (Future Global Shocks). The study examines potential damages that events like large-scale pandemics, long-term pollution and other global disasters can have on the world. 

The authors concluded that very few single cyber-related events have the capacity to cause a global shock. Governments nevertheless need to make detailed preparations to withstand and recover from a wide range of unwanted cyber events, both accidental and intentional. There are growing risks of local damage as a result of computer and telecommunications services. In addition, reliable Internet and other computer technoligies are needed to recover from any large disasters (cyber or physical).

Since the OECD is not focused on cyber or technological issues, their viewpoint of cyberwar offers a unique examination of what types of damage cyber attacks can have on the world. Even though media articles and government/military officials warn the public about global disasters caused by cyber attacks, the OECD does not find evidence for those claims. 

The OECD report is used in the Policymaker Directory, but can also be found in the other three directories: Concerned Citizen, Education and Journalism.


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Peter Sommer, "Reducing Systemic Cybersecurity Risk," in Cyberwar Resources Guide, Item #171, (accessed February 23, 2025).